PSN title Toyko Jungle will arrive in Europe on September 26th for the PlayStation 3 for just £9.99. An official press release indicates that the title will support Remote Play, allowing PS Vita and PSP owners to play the title on the go. The game, which is already available in Japan, has received a patch to enable Remote Play.
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Articles posted by Niraj Shah
Rumor Alert: PS Vita Exploit Discovered

News has surfaced this morning suggesting a new exploit on the PS Vita has been discovered, allowing native Vita code to be run. A previous exploit (which was later patched by Sony) allowed execution of PSP code via PSP games which has vulnerabilities. The details of the exploit have been kept secret to prevent Sony from patching it.
EU PlayStation Store Update for September 5th 2012

A number of new PS Vita games are available on the European PlayStation Store this week, including Treasure Park and Zen Pinball 2. You can also find a new Minis bundle and some DLC in this week update. No new PSOne classics have been added to the store this week, however.
US PlayStation Store Update for September 4th 2012

Zen Pinball 2 is available on the North American PlayStation Store this well, as well as a number of other titles. The free Treasure Park app has also been released too. Lastly, check out some discounts on Minis titles too.
Remote Play Updates for God of War Collection and Ico Collections Available Today

Starting today, PS3 owners will be able to download an update for God of War Collection and Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection that will enable these classic games to be played from their PS Vita using the Remote Play function. Both HD collections (once updated) can be played remotely over Wi-fi, and will include customizable control options.
Treasure Park App Out Today

Free app Treasure Park will be released for the PS Vita later today in Europe. Treasure Park is a fun puzzle app exclusive to the console, letting you create your own puzzle sheet and hide your treasure and medals. Friends can then play your puzzles in order to find your medals and treasures.
Atelier Totori Plus Announced For PlayStation Vita

Japanese RPG Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland will be heading to the PS Vita by the end of the year, according to the game’s developers Gust. The game, which was first released back in June 2010 in Japan on the PS3, will be called “Atelier Totori Plus” and will feature exclusive bonus content and DLC.
New LittleBigPlanet for PS Vita Screenshots Released

Tarsier Games have released a set of new screenshots for LittleBigPlanet on the PS Vita, which went gold last week. The development on the game has been completed and the game is on schedule to release in North America and Europe later this month.
Sony Reveals Huge PS Vita TGS Line Up

With the Tokyo Games Show just around the corner, Sony has revealed its line up of demos and playable games at the event. The PS Vita is again getting a big push from the company, with titles like Soul Sacrifice, PlayStation All Stars Battle Royal and Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation leading the way.
LEGO Lord of the Rings Pack Shot Revealed

Warner Bros. have released the pack shot for upcoming LEGO title, Lord of the Rings. The game will be available across all the major consoles including the PS3 and PS Vita, and is expected to release in October 2012. The game is set to have more than 60 playable characters, including your favourites from the movies.