The final nail in the coffin for the PSP and PS Vita may be around the corner, according to a rumour. The PlayStation Store for the PSP and PS Vita may be closing down as soon as July, which means gamers will no longer able to buy games or DLC for these legacy consoles.
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Posts tagged "PlayStation Vita"
New PlayStation Store on Web and Mobile Will Remove PS Vita Content

Sony has announced that the PlayStation Store for Web and Mobile will be revamped in the coming weeks in preparation for the PS5 launch in November. The web version has already started to roll out in select territories.
Read MorePS Vita Production Ends in Japan

The Japanese PlayStation website has been updated to indicate that the PS Vita is no longer in production, which marks the official end to the PlayStation Vita console.
Read MorePlayStation Vita System Software Ver. 3.69

The PS Vita and PlayStation TV have received a minor firmware update, brining the system software to version v3.69. This minor update is mandatory if you want to access the PlayStation Network, but it doesn’t do much except for improve system performance.
Read MoreStardew Valley Coming to PS Vita on 22nd May 2018

Stardew Valley is finally being released on the PS Vita, after a long time in development. The PS4 version of the game has been available since December 2016, and will soon be available on the PS Vita. The game will release on 22nd May 2018, and will be cross-buy, so if you have the PS4 version, you can download the Vita version for free.
PlayStation Vita System Software Ver. 3.68

The PS Vita and PlayStation TV have received a minor firmware update, brining the system software to version v3.68. This minor update is mandatory if you want to access the PlayStation Network, but it doesn’t do much except for improve system performance.
PlayStation Vita System Software Ver. 3.67

A new firmware update for the PS Vita has been released, updating the system software to v3.67. The console is effectively not being supported by Sony anymore, given that the last major firmware update was over two years go. This minor update is mandatory if you wish to access the PlayStation Network.
PlayStation Vita System Software Ver. 3.65

The first PlayStation Vita firmware update of the year has been released, updating the system software to version v3.65. As with the last few updates, this firmware update is a stability fix and is required to access the PlayStation Network. The changelog can be found below.
PlayStation Vita System Software Ver. 3.63

Sony has released a new security update to the PlayStation Vita today, updating the system to Firmware v3.63. The update is a minor one, improving the “quality of the system performance”. The official changelog has been included below for completeness.
PlayStation Vita System Software Ver. 3.61

Sony has released another minor firmware update for the PS Vita and PlayStation TV, months after Firmware v3.60 was released. It’s another minor firmware update that improves system stability.